
Shooting for Zanier Gloves with Ulrich Grill


Early in the morning Alois Bickel, Mara Novak and me met Ulrich Grill and Markus, his assistant, in Obertauern to shoot some great pics for next years Zanier Catalogue. Altough the snow was very wind blown and it hasn't been snowing for quite a few days we managed to find some nice spots. 

We were working all day long and even did not find any time for a quick lunch break. It was one of the coldest days of the season, but we were happy to wear nice and warm Zanier Gloves.

Finally we finished the day with a great dinner at the Seekarhaus in Obertauern.

Thanks Ulrich for the great and productive day!

more details about Zanier check: http://www.zanier.com
more details about Photographer Ulrich Grill and his company check: http://www.zooom.at

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